Introduction: ERP Overview, Business Process in Enterprise, Various ERP Packages, About SAP, Features and advantages of SAP, Technical Features of SAP 

Architecture of R/3 System: Client/Server Architecture, Two-tier Vs Three tier Environments, Multi-tier Architecture, Login & Logoff, Procedure Navigation, Introduction to SAP screen environment 

Components of ABAP Dictionary: Database Tables, Data Elements, Domains, Structures, Views: Database View, Projections View,  Help View, Maintenance View, Table Types, Type Groups, Search Help: Elementary And Collective, Lock Objects 

Abap Programming:  Introduction to ABAP Editor, ABAP Programming Features, Keywords, Data Types and Data Objects, Operators, String Handling, Conditional Statements and Looping, Structures Field Symbols, ABAP Development Workbench, Package Builder 

ABAP Database Access: Open SQL, Definition & Creation of Internal Tables, Different Internal Table Types, Different Operations on Internal Tables, Control Level Processing, Events and Joins 

Modularization Techniques:  Includes  Subroutines: Types, Pass by value, pass by reference, pass by value and reference  Function Modules, Exception Handling 

Open SQL and Additional Topics: Different Select Statements, Different Write Formats, Message Class, Selection Screen Designing, Inter programming Communication 

List Generation Techniques: List Requirement & Introduction, Classical List, Interactive List, Abap List Viewer, Logical Database 

Performance Analysis: Reporting Standards, Extended Program Check, Debugger, Runtime Analysis, SQL Trace, Code Inspector, Advisable Select Statements, Performance Factors on Database Tables and Internal Tables 

The Workbench Organizer Transport System: Change Request Version Management, Releasing Tasks and Releasing Request, Transport 

Dialog Programming: Introduction, Screen Painter, Menu Painter, Table Control, Tab strip Control, Field Validation, Calling Screen Sequence, Changing Screen Attributes Dynamically 

Data Migration Techniques: Requirement, Direct Input Method, Background Processing, Conversion, Interface Programming Using BDC Call  Transaction and Session Method, Recording Method, Data Sets (Application Server File Handling ), Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW) 

Smart Forms: Designing Custom Smart forms, Form Painter, Table Painter, Field List, Style Builder, Text Modules, Print Program 

Overview of Interactive Forms by Adobe 

Object Oriented ABAP: Introduction, Keywords, Class Builder, Objects, Local and Global Class Creation, Object Handling, Methods, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Event Handling, Interface 

Enhancements: Requirements, SMOD / CMOD, Function Exit, Menu Exit, Screen Exit, Text Enhancement, Table Enhancement 

Business Add Ins: Introduction to BAdIs, Difference between Customer Exists and BAdIs, Implementation of BAdIs, Function Implementation, Screen Implementation, Menu Implementation, Definition of new BadIs 


Introduction to Distributed Database Environment: Introduction to Cross ApplicationArchitecture, Preparing RFC (Remote Function Calling) Destinations, Develop and call Remote Functions, Working with RFC function modules 

IDOC Interface: Basics, Architecture, Segment Creation, Idoc Creation, Logical Messages, Processing Idoc, Monitoring, Documentation, Need in ALE, EDI and BAPI, Programming Idoc’s, Customer Modifications to the Idoc Interface, Extending and Developing a Basic IDOC Type, Programming in the IDoc Interface, Customizing the Interface for New or 

Extended IDocs: Introduction, Preparing RFC Destinations, Develop and call Remote Functions, Types of RFC, Synchronous RFC, Asynchronous RFC, Transactional RFC.  Application Link Enabling (ALE), Introduction,, Concepts of data and process  distribution, Reasons for data and process distribution, ALE Concepts and Features, ALE Technology, ALE Components for Outbound Process, ALE Components for Inbound Process, Configuring ALE, Testing ALE 

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): Introduction, EDI Standards, History of EDI, EDI Benefits, Configuring and Testing EDI in SAP 

Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI): Business Framework Architecture, Introduction to BOR, Creating BAPI, R/3 to R/3, VB to R/3 using Bapi, Java to R/3 using Bapi, Reporting Using Bapi, Data Upload Using Bapi Structures, Working with BAPI Explorer